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One of the very popular and inseparable customs and traditions of Christmas is the Christmas card. Whether it is your best friend or a distant relative, your teacher or your colleagues, your family or your neighbor, everyone gets a card at Christmas. Even when people are miles apart, a 'Miss You' Christmas card will certainly be achieved more often than not.


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Decorating houses and the Christmas tree are again well-known Christmas customs and traditions. It is a great pleasure to get the whole family together by decorating the hallways and doorways with garlands, candles, stars or holly branches or to get together with the whole bunch of friends while decorating the Christmas greenery. Candy canes are a very popular Christmas candy, which is also used as decoration. Traditionally, people decorate the outside of the house as well as the inside. Sometimes Christmas decorations are sponsored by the municipalities.


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Christmas parties are the fun part of the holiday and are more of a celebration than a custom and tradition of Christmas. Special Christmas meals with a special Christmas menu are commonly served in many countries. While in other places, especially in Eastern Europe, families fast for a few days before Christmas.


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In many countries, Christmas dances and Christmas elections (retelling of the story of Christ) are traditionally held every year. Singing in groups is yet another very popular Christmas custom and tradition. In this, people are going to sing Christmas carols from door to door to keep the mood of the holiday alive and fresh. Sometimes people also visit the neighborhood homes for a good cause, for example to raise donations and funds for the oppressed and needy.


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With all the rambunctious Christmas celebrations going, Christmas is still seen as a mostly religious holiday for many people around the world. It is the time for soul searching, spiritual renewal, silent prayers, reading quotes from the Bible, seeking religious blessings, and wishing everyone joy and good news for the days ahead. The ceremonies are much toned down during a religious celebration of Christmas. Carols and hymns are sung in churches and at home, money is raised for charity, volunteer work is done, and people visit friends, neighbors and loved ones places for gatherings and traditional Christmas meals. The air is filled with sweet tranquility and warmth. A feeling of joy and well-being echoes everywhere. People wish each other peace, prosperity, happiness and a very 'Merry Christmas'.


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The religious customs and traditions of Christmas begin with Advent (the day when the birth of Jesus Christ was expected). This is early December. Customs and traditions of this religious festival include Advent songs and calendars, sometimes sweets and other treats for the children. Midnight Mass or a Mass of the Nativity, with carols, prayers and hymns, are usually held on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


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Other religious beliefs, such as Islam or Judaism, are also giving way to some of the secular traditions of the Christmas holiday in their own winter celebrations. Islamic countries call Jesus a prophet and the Judaizers celebrate their winter festival and the equivalent of Christmas, Hanukkah, in December. So there are many Christmas customs and traditions, which are adapted or incorporated in different ways by different cultures and ethnicities around the world.


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