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How to Plan a 100th Birthday Party



100 deaths is a momentous occasion. Less than 2% of the US population has turned 100. Planning a birthday celebration for every centenarian requires sensitivity. They may be fragile and have limited mobility. The location of the party must take this into account.


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Step 1. Discuss the party with the birthday party. NEVER THROW A SURPRISE PARTY for anyone this age. Compile an invitation list together with friends and family members.


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Step 2. Know everything you can about the birthday celebrator. If she is in a wheelchair or in poor health, keep the party at their place. If she lives in a nursing home, talk to the caretaker for this very special event. You must be aware of all allergies and restrictions. For example, if she can't hear, don't waste money on music.


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Step 3. Plan the food. There may be rules she must follow if she lives in a nursing home. If you can hold the party in a private home, consider hiring a caterer. An alternative is to ask friends to bring a dish. The hostess will only deliver the birthday cake and drinks.


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Use the dining table with its best linens and crockery for a smaller group. Many centenarians are especially fond of their belongings and will have fond memories of the dining table with its beautiful china and silver.


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Buffets will be tough for seniors. If there is a large group of guests, put the food on a buffet or dining table, but let helpers serve the seated seniors, especially the birthday boy or girl.


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Step 4. Make sure to take a non-alcoholic punch or soda, as the celebrant or elderly guests may need to avoid mixing alcohol with medication.


Step 5. Bake her favorite birthday cake. Cover it with letter candles that spell out H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y or put three large candles for 1-0-0 on the cake. Western tradition allows 100 small candles on the cake, but she probably can't blow them all out, and that will make her feel bad.


Step 6. Entertainment should be suitable for seniors. Children's choir is a favorite. A violinist or pianist can provide background music as well as a fixed program.


Step 7. Consider hiring a photographer or videographer. Copies of these mementos will be cherished by all family members.


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